Tuesday, September 30, 2008


and when the supervisor goes for a short trip, his student gets 3 days of break as well!



despite having to come to lab early in the morning, i went to club last night

you may ask, on a monday night?! but its halloween in australia so that explains it all, besides it was "club candy" an event which occurs only 4 times a year and it was mingyan's last chance to attend, and that also explains why i went for it because of my housemate who is gonna leave at the end of the year

honestly, i hated it ! it was packed like sardines( i think it was actually even worse) it was stuffy and i could hardly breathe ! only drank one small cup and then b4 i knew it, i had to leave and it was already 130am ! the time spent queuing up was a total waste

and apparently the techno/trance downstairs was far more interesting than the freaking sillly rnb dancefloor upstairs !

im exhausted and i can barely keep my eyes open right now and the worse thing is? I HAVE TO DO MY EXPERIMENTS GRRR

Monday, September 29, 2008

such things still happen

lab was extremely tiring! and the moment i stepped home i quickly cooked and have my dinner and now as im sitting down watching this drama about an australian couple setting up a hospital in ethiopia to cure women

and most of them have bladder / problems dealing with their vagina and rectum and bladder becos all of them are married off at sucha young age and they have leakages after their pregnancies , basically just problems with her urethra and stuff

there was a case on this girl who's younger than me, she got abducted by her so called husband at the age of 14 then b4 she knew it she was already pregnant!they are just treated like baby factories! its very upsetting to see such documentaries because i'm too blessed to even understand the amount of pain these women go through. The only comforting sight was when the ones who get cured put on new beautiful clothes and walk out of the hospital with their heads up high, praising God and then afterthat able to return to their villages without being sneered at anymore

its just heartwarming to see how they put their trust in God and believe that one day He'll just take care of them, such simple yet strong faith that i should learn from

Sunday, September 28, 2008

hot day!

washing my car under the sweltering heat can really make me go bonkers! luckily jason's house which is beside the garage has a good source of water instead of having to bring a pail of water down from my home ! i think a full pail of water would become an empty pail by the time i carry it to the car HAHA!

its back to lab tommorrow, brrrrrrr

Saturday, September 27, 2008

wall E

watching wall-e is like having a long and satisfying drink of chocolate. it is sweet and just a little cloying, but warms you up right to the core :)

for once in a movie, there is childlike innocence in the way romance is developed. wall-e stumbles around clumsily in his open admiration for the sleek Eve, but finally wins her love with his devotion, and the happy couple consumates...by holding metallic hands at last :P

what else is striking? the complete absence of hostility on the space cruise ship, Axiom. after centuries of peaceful existence, the residents of axiom have lost any sense of danger, and react to intruders (Wall-e) with the curiousity of children - intrigued, but never defensive. so wall-e was free to wander around, leaving a trail of toxic stains behind him everywhere he does, and of course, saves the day by sacrificing himself

frankly, if i were the passengers of Axiom, i would just stay right where i am in the cocoon, and not go home to earth, where mountains of rubbish, literally, jostle with skyscrapers. and then there is gravity. someone, please beam me up to Axiom. would be perfectly happy to let the paternalistic auto-pilot run everything while i suckle and sleep my way into obesed oblivion.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

there's loads of stuff going thru my mind, after having sucha shitty day and doing my expt wrongly, i decided to redo my pcr reactions at 4pm thus explaining why i'm still in the lab now instead of being home! sigh i can do my gel run tml to check but i guess i dont wanna leave it hanging so i should just complete it today!

and as im waitin for my gel to be stained i was just thinking wad if you came across something so desirable that it would break you to take it but you would do whatever it takes to get it?

and what if that something was that could not be touched yet you couldn’t help but want it?

what do we do when at the paths of two cease to intertwine?

we all choose our paths.

better or worse, to what do we measure ourselves against?

i like to think that there are no wrong choices, there are no wrong paths. only the existence or not of the will to follow it to the end. that in itself will serve as a right answer.

but it’s not so simple. never is it ever so.

in the end, what will you do when finally asked to make a stand?

ah irrevelant but who cares!

and then my expt failed again

i've not felt so depressed in a while


so the last 3 plates i stained yesterday were up to standard as i didnt incubate them long enough for the results to be seen and i sorta got reprimanded early this morning by helen

i got a shock when she came in and said ' i feel like bashing someone up and that person is you' as she pointed her finger at me , i got taken aback and i was just totally loss for words and i just felt my tears almost bursting out but it was contained, thankfully.

i know she wasnt serious about it but i guess i felt really upset about the whole thing although my other 9 plates were very good and the last 3 didnt really matter , it was just how i felt i'm at fault and my experiments werent up to standard

my mood just dropped from a 100% to an all low 20% eventhough all's well its just how things affect u first thing in the morning that would affect the whole entire day


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


lab was extremely taxing today , i was on my feet the whole day and only sat down for lunch (just 15mins) and then it was back to lab! its the first time i ended so late today at 6pm and there wasnt a single soul left in the lab except my supervisor and myself and i was glad he was there to help me out and guide me!

looking at 12 X 24 well plates under the microscope to look out for specific stuff made my eyes crossed but thats the way things are gonna be for the nxt few months , BAHS

i felt like i wanted to be home in singapore today amidst my busy schedule, i have no idea why

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I'm sure everyone has prayed a prayer for patience before and asked for it to work immediately

but why is it that patience evaporates when we are late for a critical engagement and are caught in a traffic jam? Or we rush to the “12 items or less” line at the store, only to find someone in front of us with 16 items!

Being forced to wait ratchets up the stress and shortens our fuse. When that happens, we not only fail to be patient but we also undercut the God’s work in our lives.

Patience is not just a virtue but the fruit of the Spirit which means that signs of impatience only reveals the sour fruit of our fallen hearts rather than the sweetness of God in our lives.

Since God is a patient , when we abandon patience we miss the opportunity to show our world the glory of God through our lives.

Bursts of impatience only demonstrate that we are more concerned with our own agendas than the needs and struggles of others.

So let’s all take a deep breath and turn our focus away from ourselves by patiently loving others instead of ourselves in the midst of stress.

its time to get cracking

Monday, September 22, 2008

here is the secret that nobody knows

i think that telling others about a once-important relationship lessens it, somehow. as if in the telling and the sharing, their importance is, deliberately or otherwise, downplayed, reduced and simply made smaller by attempts to console, to empathise or to sympathise. but it's not. it's not small and it's not meant to be small. not yet.

and as long as it's big, no, it's not okay. no, you've never had a similar experience. no, you bloody don't know how i feel. because this is big. this is devastating. this is so enormous in its significance that i can't contain it. i drown in it. i am lost in it.

i think that eventually, in my own way, in my own time, i will take these memories and downsize them, miniaturise them, make them small enough that i can hold them in one hand, see them in one glance.

until then, no one will know.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


its amazing how everything fluctuates and how it is always so impossible for things to remain at a smooth constant

for the past 4 days, the sweltering heat got to my nerves and all i wanted each day was that bottle of ice cold ribena gushing down my throat and tingling my veins

ooh have you ever had one of those days, where you got up feeling uneasy and odd then you start replaying incidents in your head, things that happened, things that people said just to pick up pieces of a mysterious puzzle which you do not even know whether or not it exists and then emotions start running aplenty but you still cant put to place what the matter is

you feel some nostalgia, thinking of the good old past then wish your life didnt have to be like that though you're not sure what like that is either. its befuddling and confusing and upsetting because you cant help but believe something is odd and no matter what you do to calm yourself, nothing would work till you find out what is wrong or what is not

you want to talk to someone about it but you cant because you are not able to put to place the source or even the problem and also because you are afraid because you fear making a mountain out of a molehill.

i think something is up and i feel weird

i want to know what it is but i just cant figure it out

Saturday, September 20, 2008


i had a really good friday timeoff for myself yesterday, i had time to do some shopping alone before a couple of friends came, had time to think of many many things

it was just a little break from the 'outside' world and had my own little time walking alone queen street and spending quite alot of time in my usual shops and of cos spending money! dinner at little singapore with uncles (jason,zef and mark) was not too bad, the simple pleasures of local food which didnt exactly tasted like real singapore food was enjoyable and it made us all happy people

shucks i havent been doing any thing productive all day!

i've watched at least 3 movies from zef's collection since morning, headed out to toowong to get mackers for simon and myself and also getting unnecessary stuff from kmart and sportsgirl!hah!

just when i thought its enuff shopping for now since i've spent wayyy too much these 2 days, countryroad has to send me a postcard saying that its an exclusive sale for members this wednesday 24th sept! shucks!

lydia, are u interested in the sale yet again ? =) maybe we can get nice jackets again! keke

frisbee in awhile at guyatt park! awesomeeee

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


to zefff,

thanks for dinner and the card =))


This made me burst out laughing like a ridiculously mad woman

(read this randomly somewhere)


Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa , half discovered, half wild, naturally beautiful with fertile soil.

Between 23 and 30, a woman is like America , well developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash.

Between 31 and 35, a woman is like India , very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.

Between 36 and 40, a woman is like France , gently aging; but still warm and a desirable place to visit.

Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain , with a glorious and all conquering past.

Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Yugoslavia , lost some wars, won some great battles but haunted by past mistakes, still very strong and proud.

Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Russia , very wide and borders are now largely un-patrolled.

After 70, she becomes Tibet . Off the beaten path, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages…still desirable but only those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual knowledge and true love, dare visit there.


Between 1 and 80, a man is like Iran - ruled by a dick.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


for now, all i want to eat is chicken nuggets for some weird reason im just cravin for mcnuggets


Monday, September 15, 2008

Status Quo

Status Quo

It's such a relief that everything has come back to normal. That's one less undesirable derangement to deal with. And speaking of derangements, I feel like Life, which is dynamic, always in a constant flux of change, can be likened to the body, with so many homeostatic mechanisms set in place. It reveals the fundamental principle that in everything that we are and in everything that we do, each quality or characteristic has some sort of reference range or baseline. Leads me to think about how we're always routinely engaged in the things that we do, or routinely concerned about the things that we are engaged in. Perhaps, because thats how each of us are defined, by our habits and our routines, and how we're willing to take each quality within us, to the limits.

So how does change take place? The change must be gradual, overlapping with that reference range within us to some degree, and slowly, in time, edging itself further into our zone of acceptance, or zone of comfort, until finally, it's so strongly established in us, lying in the box of our lives, and perhaps, broadening our horizons, prompting us to be receptive to further change. And so we adapt.

But if that change does not lie within our acceptable limits, or comes on too quickly, too strongly for it's reception, we tend to reject it. However, there is still the possibility that the initial 'insult', however large or alien it was, will prepare us for future attempts at receiving and adapting to such a change. Hm.

Whoa, ok. I cant believe i just typed all of that

Enough of that. I'm gonna make chicken chops for lunch tml.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

man utd vs liverpool

Man Utd vs Liverpool

imagine this conversation:

F: What colour represents which team?
M: Liverpool is red, Man U is wearing white
F: then how come there is one guy running around in a blue shirt?
M: That's the referee

it has been a happily long time since i last watched soccer, but last night was liverpool v. man u, so there was to be no escape. some parts were exciting, like when the goalkeeper of man u actually ran out, all the way, all the way, to the other goalpost to try to score. that was just extraordinary! i can't get over the funny sight of a goalkeeper jostling with all the other players on enemy ground, leaving his own goalpost wide open for attack. does this happen often? i have never seen anything like that before.

yes, that was the highlight of the game for me.

it was a joyous evening for liverpool fans. watching it with the crowd at the restaurant was fun. when liverpool scored, there was an excited chorus of 'GOAL!'. the waitress nearly dropped the glass she was holding.

it was an eventful night and even though i only caught bits and pieces of the game, it was truly very much enjoyable with the right people surrounding you =)

Friday, September 12, 2008

nel's 21st

nelson's 21st birthday was spend in a really simple manner, just a potluck at michael's place! it was good and we all had a go at nelson's game called BANG! which is super fun and exciting and i was practically screaming at the top of my voice every single minute of the game!

fooooooooooooood! it was somesort like some chicken feast cos outta 5 dishes, at least 3 were chicken based!

the egg tart cake ms lau and i baked! after 2 tries, this final 3rd one was simply perfect ! ( in my opinion of cause)


is going to cambodia/vietnam FINE? keke

its over

the research proposal seminar's finally over

i think im pretty much happy with myself for the presentation but the questions and answers, i did honestly fumbled and forgot even the basics BUT at least i managed to answer one! HAHAHAHA

ok la don't be too hard on my self, still loads of opportunities to practice and be good in it

since nick's happy abt it , i cannot say much either!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


i'm feeling extremely nervous about tomorrow, i have no idea but i've got the feeling that i cannot perform at all! grrrr

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

my gosh!

wah just when i thought its time for me to get going with experiments to produce good results, i forgot to add ampicilin into my cultures yesterday!!

and i only realised that today after i did the whole DNA purification step !
i looked at the heating block and realised tat i didnt thaw the AMP at all then it occurred to me that i didnt add it in! BOO!

so yes i didnt dare tell nick ! but in the end the results werent very gd soooooo doing another batch tml to see if there's really a problem with the bacteria or watever there can be

i usually have a checklist with me as i go thru each step but this time round i even forgot to write the AMP step down

how goondu

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


photos from riverfest! auntie yinghui took extremely long to upload everything therefore the long wait =)


lab was extremely extremely hectic today it was the first time i didnt unpack my bag in the office cos the moment i stepped in at 9am till 4pm (apart from lunch at 130-2pm) i was busy doing my experiments

outta 3 sets of DNA, one wasnt good and we have no idea what went wrong, so i have to redo them tml! =( nick( my sup) said that it prolly was the column fault since the other 2 were ok so we'll have to see how the results are tml to determine the cause of it

i hope it will be good ! *fingers cross*


Monday, September 08, 2008

appreciate will u

its about time that people should learn how to be appreciative

Sunday, September 07, 2008

baby zach

sundays are always good days =)

church was goood , then we had baby zach in our arms! he looked so adorable when he's sleeping or even whenever he's tryin to stretch or yawn! he just makes every girl wanna have a baby of her own!
lunch at sunnybanks little singapore was awesome, it has been such a long time we had xi chup hor fun! u know the black bean sauce horfun =) and then there was roti canai (is it spelt that way) and nasi lemak and satay beef ! YUMMS!

it was good old food , fun and laughter

Saturday, September 06, 2008


i can't decide whether it has been a good or bad week. without going into more details, i can say that i went through an extraordinary spectrum of emotions. it felt like God's plough plunging to make the deepest marks upon my heart.

some prayers did not get answered according to my desires, and it looks like all the words uttered have fallen into a blackhole. there is no one on the other line. but i think, i have come to see that i was fighting the wrong battle. at least, i didn't know that i was struggling with God Himself. It is God who would not be hurried, who would give the appropriate time needed for His plans to come about. even if i cry and chafe, the wheels of the clock wouldn't turn faster. yet they are turning all the same.

so, i find myself in the oddest of positions. i was worried because it didn't look like God was listening. now i made the discovery that He was answering all the prayers, in His own fashion. God's hands stay the actions of impulse, yet give the impetus for movement. i don't know whether to be alarmed or reassured by this realisation.

and when God finally moves the mountains, be prepared for earthquakes.

brisbane broncos and reji night

it was the first rugby match i've been to and i totally enjoyed it!wasnt as rowdy as i thought it would be but it was all good fun =) it was the match between brisbane broncos and newcastle knights!

an extremely diehard newcastle knights fansome random hogsbreath cheerleaders coming out the entire time

whenever the broncos scored, there was one shot of fireworks! extremely dramatic !

it was off to the reji (asian night) at cesars last night where all of us gathered to try and party !
i would say i didnt totally liked everything about it but the company was fantabulous =)

the music was good when we werent on the dance floor and it switched to awfully unknown bad ones when we decided to rest and have drinks

drinks were cheap! from screwdrivers to apsin shots to tequila shots to whatever there was in coke! jason and i left early (ard 2odd am) , maybe we're deemed as spoilsports but i think 95% of me did not wanna stay any longer


and stupid me didnt know i can turn the taps off to stop the water from flowing
all i thought was off the switch then ok but it stil kept flowing!!!!!!!!!! so i panicked and called jason and then called simon and then mark BUT MARK was cutting his hair! so jason came to my rescue!!!!!!! yay

Thursday, September 04, 2008

♥♥♥♥ jac's 21st ♥♥♥♥

♥♥♥♥ jac's 21st ♥♥♥♥
BLESSED 21st JAC! =))

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

psalm 23

Psalm 23

i really like the RBC website. was browsing through a few days ago when i came across a little booklet that gave a touching description of what it means when the Bible says that God is our shepherd.


'God knows every one of His sheep by name. He's aware of each personality and peculiarity. there are little ones that have to be carried, the cripples that can't keep up, the nursing ewes that won't be hurried, the old sheep that can barely get along. There are bellwethers that always want to be out front...the timid ones that are afraid to follow, the black sheep that are always exception...The Good Shepherd knows us all.

...God knows our pace. He knows when grief, pain and loneliness overwhelm us. He knows when the full realizations of our limitations comes home to us. He knows when we're shamed and broken and unable to go on. God does not drive His sheep. He gently leads them. He allows for hesitation and trepidation. He gives credit for decisions and resolutions that are strenuously tested. He understands courage that falters in the face of terrible odds. He can accomodate a faith that flames out under stress. He takes into account the hidden reasons for failure...Our bleating reaches His ears. '

i suppose, somewhere in my heart there is always fear that i am on the wrong track, that there is something i should be doing that i have missed because i wasn't listening carefully enough to what God was saying. so, it is good to remember that in His plan for me, God takes into account that i am a sheep that needs guidance and strength, and occasionally, rescue. i think, i would rather be be a vulnerable sheep with a loving shepherd, than to be strong and navigate life myself.


i feel so relieved after that green screen appear when i submitted my proposal at the chemistry building earlier on


Tuesday, September 02, 2008


i'm finally done with the research proposal and its gonna be nicely binded and submitted tommorrow =) YAY!

but now, just when i thought i could relax ? i've got a practise session for my proposal seminar this coming friday! i dread presentations especially those when u're unsure about everything!

ooh well!

come on, jo!