Wednesday, September 03, 2008

psalm 23

Psalm 23

i really like the RBC website. was browsing through a few days ago when i came across a little booklet that gave a touching description of what it means when the Bible says that God is our shepherd.

'God knows every one of His sheep by name. He's aware of each personality and peculiarity. there are little ones that have to be carried, the cripples that can't keep up, the nursing ewes that won't be hurried, the old sheep that can barely get along. There are bellwethers that always want to be out front...the timid ones that are afraid to follow, the black sheep that are always exception...The Good Shepherd knows us all.

...God knows our pace. He knows when grief, pain and loneliness overwhelm us. He knows when the full realizations of our limitations comes home to us. He knows when we're shamed and broken and unable to go on. God does not drive His sheep. He gently leads them. He allows for hesitation and trepidation. He gives credit for decisions and resolutions that are strenuously tested. He understands courage that falters in the face of terrible odds. He can accomodate a faith that flames out under stress. He takes into account the hidden reasons for failure...Our bleating reaches His ears. '

i suppose, somewhere in my heart there is always fear that i am on the wrong track, that there is something i should be doing that i have missed because i wasn't listening carefully enough to what God was saying. so, it is good to remember that in His plan for me, God takes into account that i am a sheep that needs guidance and strength, and occasionally, rescue. i think, i would rather be be a vulnerable sheep with a loving shepherd, than to be strong and navigate life myself.


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