and when the supervisor goes for a short trip, his student gets 3 days of break as well!
and when the supervisor goes for a short trip, his student gets 3 days of break as well!
despite having to come to lab early in the morning, i went to club last night
lab was extremely tiring! and the moment i stepped home i quickly cooked and have my dinner and now as im sitting down watching this drama about an australian couple setting up a hospital in ethiopia to cure women
washing my car under the sweltering heat can really make me go bonkers! luckily jason's house which is beside the garage has a good source of water instead of having to bring a pail of water down from my home ! i think a full pail of water would become an empty pail by the time i carry it to the car HAHA!
watching wall-e is like having a long and satisfying drink of chocolate. it is sweet and just a little cloying, but warms you up right to the core :)
there's loads of stuff going thru my mind, after having sucha shitty day and doing my expt wrongly, i decided to redo my pcr reactions at 4pm thus explaining why i'm still in the lab now instead of being home! sigh i can do my gel run tml to check but i guess i dont wanna leave it hanging so i should just complete it today!
and as im waitin for my gel to be stained i was just thinking wad if you came across something so desirable that it would break you to take it but you would do whatever it takes to get it?
and what if that something was that could not be touched yet you couldn’t help but want it?
what do we do when at the paths of two cease to intertwine?
we all choose our paths.
better or worse, to what do we measure ourselves against?
i like to think that there are no wrong choices, there are no wrong paths. only the existence or not of the will to follow it to the end. that in itself will serve as a right answer.
but it’s not so simple. never is it ever so.
in the end, what will you do when finally asked to make a stand?
ah irrevelant but who cares!
so the last 3 plates i stained yesterday were up to standard as i didnt incubate them long enough for the results to be seen and i sorta got reprimanded early this morning by helen
lab was extremely taxing today , i was on my feet the whole day and only sat down for lunch (just 15mins) and then it was back to lab! its the first time i ended so late today at 6pm and there wasnt a single soul left in the lab except my supervisor and myself and i was glad he was there to help me out and guide me!
I'm sure everyone has prayed a prayer for patience before and asked for it to work immediately
but why is it that patience evaporates when we are late for a critical engagement and are caught in a traffic jam? Or we rush to the “12 items or less” line at the store, only to find someone in front of us with 16 items!
Being forced to wait ratchets up the stress and shortens our fuse. When that happens, we not only fail to be patient but we also undercut the God’s work in our lives.
Patience is not just a virtue but the fruit of the Spirit which means that signs of impatience only reveals the sour fruit of our fallen hearts rather than the sweetness of God in our lives.
Since God is a patient , when we abandon patience we miss the opportunity to show our world the glory of God through our lives.
Bursts of impatience only demonstrate that we are more concerned with our own agendas than the needs and struggles of others.
So let’s all take a deep breath and turn our focus away from ourselves by patiently loving others instead of ourselves in the midst of stress.
its time to get cracking
i think that telling others about a once-important relationship lessens it, somehow. as if in the telling and the sharing, their importance is, deliberately or otherwise, downplayed, reduced and simply made smaller by attempts to console, to empathise or to sympathise. but it's not. it's not small and it's not meant to be small. not yet.
i had a really good friday timeoff for myself yesterday, i had time to do some shopping alone before a couple of friends came, had time to think of many many things
This made me burst out laughing like a ridiculously mad woman
(read this randomly somewhere)
Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa , half discovered, half wild, naturally beautiful with fertile soil.
Between 23 and 30, a woman is like America , well developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash.
Between 31 and 35, a woman is like India , very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.
Between 36 and 40, a woman is like France , gently aging; but still warm and a desirable place to visit.
Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain , with a glorious and all conquering past.
Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Yugoslavia , lost some wars, won some great battles but haunted by past mistakes, still very strong and proud.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Russia , very wide and borders are now largely un-patrolled.
After 70, she becomes Tibet . Off the beaten path, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages…still desirable but only those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual knowledge and true love, dare visit there.
Between 1 and 80, a man is like Iran - ruled by a dick.
for now, all i want to eat is chicken nuggets for some weird reason im just cravin for mcnuggets
Status Quo
Man Utd vs Liverpool
nelson's 21st birthday was spend in a really simple manner, just a potluck at michael's place! it was good and we all had a go at nelson's game called BANG! which is super fun and exciting and i was practically screaming at the top of my voice every single minute of the game!
the research proposal seminar's finally over
i'm feeling extremely nervous about tomorrow, i have no idea but i've got the feeling that i cannot perform at all! grrrr
wah just when i thought its time for me to get going with experiments to produce good results, i forgot to add ampicilin into my cultures yesterday!!
photos from riverfest! auntie yinghui took extremely long to upload everything therefore the long wait =)
sundays are always good days =)
i can't decide whether it has been a good or bad week. without going into more details, i can say that i went through an extraordinary spectrum of emotions. it felt like God's plough plunging to make the deepest marks upon my heart.
it was the first rugby match i've been to and i totally enjoyed it!wasnt as rowdy as i thought it would be but it was all good fun =) it was the match between brisbane broncos and newcastle knights!
i feel so relieved after that green screen appear when i submitted my proposal at the chemistry building earlier on
i'm finally done with the research proposal and its gonna be nicely binded and submitted tommorrow =) YAY!