your light shines when all else fades
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
mummy took leave!
mummy took leave to go shopping with me! =)
yes yes i know, im not supposed to get anything ANYMORE since i've packed but u know temptations overrule =) went into mango sale AGAIN for the 1209182977329u3 time and i managed to get 2 more long sleeves! one with hoodie somemore hahahaha!
and and and then i went to get my imitation marc jacobs bag in brown =)) the i bought another top i saw which my mum liked but in the end looked better on yours truly keke!
so yes i spent alot again and this time im super determined not to buy anything any more
i m totally lloooking forward to supper tommorrow with my closest pals but at the same time, i m dreading it cos its the last time i m gonna see them till december
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
secondary school outing
i met up with evon this afternoon and then dinner with some old secondary school mates it was awkward at first cos i felt weird not seeing them for a whole 3 years and most of them werent' from my class so it was tough trying to get everything started for me but all was well, lotsa laughter and fun

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
okays, im glad i met up with dan dan and maggie, it was a whole lot of catching up to so, loads of fun laughter and joy =) managed to confide, whined and enjoyed myself totally =) i know i can count on you guys whenever i need support too and yes u both have been the pillar of strength i can get in poly THANK U SO MUCH
Monday, June 25, 2007
such a dull monday
monday's been so extremely boring!!!!
there was nothing productive i did at home =( just stoned and stoned and stoned haha!
ok i've got dinner on tomorrow and thats the only thing i can look forward to
apart from that, there's nothing
Sunday, June 24, 2007
winnie actually forgot her appt with me and sam, can u guys believe it?!?
haha okays sunday's alright, i've finished packing my whole luggage already so the next 2 weeks, i only have the same couple of clothes to wear and then i'll quickly wash them and pack them into the other luggages
sigh, so fast time flew by 2 more weeks! like i remember a moment a go i was saying 2 more months, now 2 more weeks! soon its gonna be 2 more days, 2 more hours, 2 more mins 2 more secs, ok im being very drama again
i honestly still cant believe it, then again when i think of it, im kinda scared suddenly, like will i cope? will i have frens? will i change alot in that 6months? will i tis will i that!
sometimes i wish time will stand still and everything remains as it is, all happy and carefree but then this isnt life, its just a dream that i wish that it was real but when reality hits back at you , you realised that it was just a facade nothing to be happy abt at all
ok i dunno wad im talking , maybe im just tired from all the packing =) and my luggage is 25 kg! but then there's alot of stuff to be put into my mum's one so im still very much overloaded!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
shopping is my kinda life
shopping has been my life the past 3 days and town was my usual place
met evon to shop
bought a top from topshop and a purse
mango sale-a skirt and a cardigan
met poly girls to shop at town and vivocity
mango sale again - a top
f21-a top and hairban
diva- a necklace
after that was steamboat with yuanrui,dan and my church pals at marina
it was so damn hot that we were all saying how come we never chose seoul gardenn!! haha awfully regretted it
saturday which is today
went out with mummy to
mango sale-2 shorts , 1 jacket, 2 long sleeves
topshop-3 tanktops
and girls stuff =)
thai tonight with sam at cityhall =))))
sunday which is tml
im going out with sam and winnie for lunch
i'm stoppin sshopping already cos im gonna start packing! =))
Thursday, June 21, 2007
shopping spreeee
outing with evon today was definitely eventful =) haha
went shopping and for the mango sales but it was too crazy to look through everything so i just grabbed 2 items and paid for them ! the fitting room queue was like UBER LONG
then we saw some nice tops but we kept psychoing ourselves that we bought too many already so we should stop! haha it was quite hilarious =))
so righttt, im dead tired and there's steamboat with church pals and dan dan and yuanrui too =) busy busy week!
sue shud just transfer the busybee title to ME
looking forward to what ?
there's nothing worth looking forward to in my life right now, so monotonous! ok i've been going out so much lately that i kinda lost my direction in life, but do i even have one in the first place?
ppl say that i shud look forward going to queensland to study, this once in a lifetime opportunity that not many ppl can afford or can even have a chance to yet i dun feel like im excited over it, 3 weeks left, i shud be getting the jitters by now but NO, i do not have that feeling at all
its kinda weird though, maybe cos u guys are not around to be with me the last week! so i feel sad but yeahs nonetheless im happy that u all can enjoy!
outing with evon tml , jus shopping and ultilizing the vouchers i've got =) the mango sale's on but i think its gonna be extremely crazy and crowded and squeezy!
can someone jab me with some drug to make me excited abt overseas life
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
not having a good sleep sure makes me wanna kill myself
the pain of having stomach cramps throughout the entire night made me wana commit sucide and just die! like there's not apparent reason that i shud be having cramps since the time of the month has just passed! and the cramps did not come from the stomach area but the upper abdominal area which is weird cos if u're having food poisoning, it shud be pain throughout!
the on and off pain throughout disrupted my sleep and i even had to cancel an outing with a friend today cos i just didnt wanna go out but take a good rest yet now i am in yakun sipping a hot cuppa and waiting for my bro to finish swimming b4 we pick our mum up =)
i hope the cramps wun repeat itself tonight or else i seriously will die
=( pls save me!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
birthday celebration part 2 =)
16th June night was mini celebration with my very good close friends =)
my chocolate macaroons cake? i have no idea how do i spell that
the sai family =))
lunch treat at ding tai feng by church pals and brother =))
this is by far, the happiest birthday i have and thank you all soooo very much for everything you guys did =))
Friday, June 15, 2007
my 20th birthday =)
turning a year older brings much joy and sadness! i hit the big 2 and i guess all the aunties are welcoming me into their fan club =))
my 20th birthday was very well spent although i didnt company this afternoon, i went shopping alone in town! bought some stuff then off to meet my parents bro and his gf for an extremely good dinner at the hanabi japanese fine dining restaurant, they were very very nice
they let us sit in the private suite and we enjoyed ourselves tremendously! the display of the array of food was too nice to even wanna eat them but well we were all hungry
and daddy bought me a new pink canon camera!!! =)) blisss
let the pictures do the talking!