The dratted friend ladder LOL
your light shines when all else fades
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
i know we say the people nearest to us know the biggest, brightest things we have to share. but i'm beginning to learn the people most precious to me are the ones i tell the completely random, apparently insignificant details of life. because those are the things that make up the whole, and these are the people whose time i treasure enough to know i can say these things and they won't think i'm just "wasting their time".
Saturday, July 25, 2009
as much as i would love to post the tasmania photos on the blog, im really too lazy! its all on facebook if you guys wanna look! as for you evon, read my email =)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
things never go quite the way we plan them, somehow. when we're younger we have great ideas of the people we'll be and the lives we'll change. and in our minds we envision a fairly straightforward path to presumed happiness. truth is, one doesn't even need to look back a year to see the fallacy of that statement. i can look back a day, a couple of hours to know that when proverbs 19:21 says "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." that's more often than not, exactly what transpires.
the trouble is, despite our realisation, painful as it often proves to be, that there is rarely a direction our lives will take that we can perfectly predict, we frequently live in stubborn denial.
having rambled this far, this entry is now proof of my point, exactly. i began it because of a purely mundane, if highly frustrating, reason. somehow i made it a philosophical argument my mind cannot sustain at this time in the morning.
whatever the state of my so-called intellectual mind, at this point, i am certain i'm on a steep learning curve of this sometimes elusive "trust in God". at the end of the day, though, the fundamental lesson in trust is possibly just that for all the leaping we can do, He has always proven to be able, and willing, to catch us from however high up we jump.
things always work out, somehow.
and we get through things, and past them. and for all our bumbling, the world hasn't fallen apart yet. not because of anything we can do, for if the earth rested squarely on our shoulders there would be nothing left of either it or us. thank God He's got the world, in its entirety and imperfections, safely within the palm of His hand.