happy birthday to me!
turning 21 means more responsibilities!
and thanks for the lovely gift mamaming and simon =) a cute keychain with the symbolic number 21 and a little real diamond which its hanging on my phone right now constantly reminding me of the care and concern u guys show me from time to time =) thanks!

thanks to lydia who took time to cook lunch for me! chilli cheese beef wraps and salad and the home made superbbbbly delicious mudpie! (which i'll wait for her to upload pictures!)
aand a fantabulous make up kit from KIT =)))) awesome eye shadow colours which i loveeeeee to the max =)) thanks babe!! love u!
and also the warren street family and samsam =) thanks for the present that you guys got for me! according to yilling, every one was mobilised (mentally) for present hunting! =)) yes im definitely honoured
although im far away from home back in singapore, the love that has been given to me in australia by these friends are definitely heartfelt and heartwarming =) the funniest coming from michael which said 'ah fong,didnt know its your birthday, wishing you fu lu dong hai , shou pi nan shan! " i burst out laughing for one, its damn funny and 2, his hanyupinyin sucks! not that mine is any better but i think i would have spelt it correctly! MUAHAHAHAHA
mingyan specially whiped up thai food as a surprise for me! =) she even decorated and displayed it really nice and was praying hard that i wouldn't step out of my room to see what she was doing! lol photos up soon! =)))
and those back in singapore, thanks for the wishes, text msgs were sent almost every hour and i really really appreciate it alot! for dedicating blog posts to me suelin,mags for singing to me my birthday song ( i imagined ) in an email! jasmine for writing a really touching email! i dun hate u for not coming to the reunions i always organise! but do come for the nxt one ok! if i ever get to organise again! keke for jinny hanyao and many many more for the wishes! nothing can express how i feel right now, just overjoyed !
haha thank you so so much thank you! i miss you guys so so much
love you guys deeep deeeeeeeep!
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