hi kor, i hope ure enjoying!
so apparently i dialed 1800 SANE and the lady on the other line told me my level of sanity is very low
therefore, it explains the actions that will be excecuting in about 20mins time
so my brother sent us some photos from NYC! JEALOUS! i remembered i was heading there when i was 12 when the tour agency cockup the whole travel issue! and we missed the world trade centres just b4 they came down tsk! but its ok i'll have my chance SOON i tell you.

an update at 3pm
i got my starbucks!! mocha java chip frap WOOHOO, got the largest one available keke! so i have no excuse of not studying today because i've just gotten the biggest energy boost i could have for the day!
all the shops were having a sale in the city and me, being joanna obviously cannot resist ! so i walked into the usual shops that i always did! anyways i bought a country road pants for $99 then i went opposite to alter it, thinking it would be less than 20( the salesgirl said so) , i had to pay $35!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN U BELIEVE IT, i was so loss for words initially but then i realised ok this is australia, isnt singapore where u get alterations done for less than $10 anywhere! or even free from that shop u got the clothings from like levis or wateva!
tsk tsk
ohhh! mingyan made for us breakfast today! woke up to grill the fish pattie and made us fish burgers! yuummilicious!! =)) really thankful for her!
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