lydia's birthday lunch!
so it was celebration part 2 but this time with nelson
went to wagamama in the city! and the most crucial and impt thing , i forgot to take a picture of lydia opening the car boot and with her flowers!!!!!!!! GOSH!
lydia's flowers

anyhows, pictures up from lunch
simon with yet again his chicken breasts ( but in a japanese style)

lydia and myself

awesome lunch once again!
k so after which we proceeded to shop abit b4 going to royal brisbane to check if they have a dentist cos nel's wisdom tooth hurts
so i got down the car alone while they waited and i went into the reception but they dropped me on the other side so i had to walk quite a far bit in this ulu part
going there was fine but when i was walking back, there was this angmoh guy ( like a construction worker) who was walking towards me and i sensed something amiss but i told myself to be brave and just walk pass him asap !
when we pass each other, he actually sorta jumped up to me like wanting to do something and i quickly took off! i was actually traumatised by it for awhile and i kept looking back to see if he was following but thank God he didnt!
ok so we went to the dentistry sch in city to check but it was closed and then i called my pastor to see if his cousin who is a dentist opens on sunday and no they are not and becos she works for someone , she cudnt go back to the office
hopefully the painkillers will work for nelson and then get a check tml at the dentist asap!
im so tireddd and all but i've had a really good weekend i must say
really really good weekend.
eL says:eh u dec not coming back alr?
joanna 美丝 take my hand, lead me home //:haha i am hopefully
eL says: AH YES
eL says: good
joanna 美丝 take my hand, lead me home //: why, miss me right?
eL says:we hvnt had any eskibar since u left
eL says:z
seriously i miss home and my friends
if i can settle my hons asap i might think of going back for a week or two
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