as i handed in my last assignment earlier on, i seriously couldnt be bothered if im gonna do well for it already! it was the max! I WAS SO DAMN HAPPY that i was almost skipping through the hallway of that building!
this officially marks the end of year 3 assignments! whether or not i manage to obtain a proj for hons would be another issue but for now its gonna be my final exams and then graduation !
ok so 2 1/2 weeeks till my first paper!
on another note!
BLESSED 21st JOEL WONG!!!!!!!!!

so mr wong, ok la know u how many years only! almost coming to 3 years! it was loads of fun being your classmate in poly =)) and although u're so unglam and horrible as you might be, i still love you all the same ok ? thanks for organizing all the bbqs blah blah chalets and all but i must say not a superb job la, so so only but passable! HAHAHAHA! =))
thanks for always making me miss everyone at home by telling me stupid things online abt raccoon or wateva zooo i can come up with if i bought that elephant the other time =) and yes i'd still be looking for that stupid raccooon of yours OK!
i hope u had a blast yesterday =) and yes i'll organize more outings when i get back home, i know you guys cannot live without me! KEKE
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