! =)
evon made my day! haha when i told her abt uni applications and asked her to pray for me since im very kiasu =)) she said she'll pray for me like that
Dear God, I know Joanna is very mean, and most of the time very very bad,BUT Can you please let her go to Australia?
how mean can she get but evon babe! =)) i miss u and don't be so ultra lame all righty i know u're mentally challenged and im the only one who can understand u oh so well =)) *grinz*
and big news she is gonna put on BRACES likeee finally! ahh! u better take a picture and show me ur ugly teeth all righty ? =)) haha we were chatting abt the procedures like how they can stuff a horribly huge clay into your mouth to make a mould of your teeth and that feeling makes u wanna puke! ahh memories of my braces day are floooding back lol! well evon if u need any advices u can ask sam or me =)) we've been through that stage! hahaha i must freak her out with every little detail! =p don't be afraid ok! =) i've been thru it and im perfectly fine!

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