Wednesday, July 23, 2008

bored stiff

a little fall of rain this morning i saw a memorable sight.

the sky was washed in greys and blues and the palest of whites. strong winds pushed the translucent clouds along. i felt like a character from a Chinese martial arts story, walking bravely against the gusts of cold wind and dead leaves flying wildly around me.

i can't remember the last time i watched the sky prepare itself for a great downpour. i think i am indoors too much.

why do we only think of beautiful weather as fair and sunny? We worship God for balmy mornings and peaceful sunsets. but this morning, it struck me that even grey, rainy weather is part of creation. that's why there is a melancholic beauty even in the gathering storm.

i suppose, life would always have these interludes of bleakness. there is little else to do, except to wait for the rhythms of life to carry one to the next season of brightness. it is in such situations that i find comfort trusting God as the God who sees even though things aren't changing now, they eventually would, because God knows what is going on and has a time for everything.

and yes, a little fall of rain would make the flowers grow


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