a treat from me
i treated 4 guys to pizzahut today becos they are the ones who helped me in the school very much =) and just as i was abt to take pictures, my camera went on low batt and i forgot to bring the spare out! so only one pic with my student derek =) there'll be another outing soon since they promised to treat me b4 i leave for australia =)
dereh's a really funny guy, every thing he says right, cannot believe at all, like how when we were talking abt the ozone layer expanding when they knew im going australia and how aussie was that spot or something (dunno true or not) and derek went on to say : oh i thought they stuffed something into the ozone to cover that hole ? hahaha and all of us burst out laughing
sometimes i feel old being with these 16year olds, not like im 10 years older but just 4! but its things they do / say that realised that i've been through much more than them and of cos im more mature in thinking in certain issues but of cos , i knw im still kiddish/childish and they do tell me that , imagine ur own students telling u : cher/msfong, u super childish leh, u sure u 20 years old and not 10 ? but often these sayings make me smile instead of getting angry =) i've got wonderful pupils

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