=)) movies!

watched world trade centre last night! well memories of 9/11 definitely started to surface again. To me this movie was just reminding us that 9/11 took place larh didnt really have much of a story line maybe it was just to tell us what managed to keep those 2 policemen awake and alive in the rubble i guess =)) family ties are strong! haha perhaps i didnt really enjoy cos the girl beside me kept moving about and kinda shaking her legs larh! then u know the feeling sucks totally cos you cant concentrate during the show and her bf kept wispering aiyo wanna talk mushy mushy after moviee larhhh
went for lunch with bro and mummy b4 going for the teaching seminar =)) bought a baggieeee and earrings lol =)) went for the teaching thing earlier on with my bro and zhen ming.. nothing much! what they talked abt could be like found on the MOE webbie so it was like a futile trip.

gonna catch miami vice later on with zhen ming, heard some negative comments about it tho but we'll see later on if its nice anot and i'll tell u guys if its worth $9.50 if u trust me =))
ahh sue, i understand how u felt just now its pretty sickening to believe them =)) now u know sam and i are PRECIOUS FRIENDS =)) lol *grinz*
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