monday blues
woahs, i think its the funniest and stupidest monday i ever had.
Zhiyuan,Jerome,Dan and me went to techno edge for lunchie and stuff so after that we were feeling quite bored and so we all decided to explore the central library area ! so there's someting going on at their atrium . People selling foodstuffs and all so we saw this guy grilling the sausages and reading comics at the same time! so dan dan and i felt it was quite a funny sight and i decided to tell zhiyuan about it! but instead i told him something absurd " Zhiyuan! you see tat guy, he's grilling comics and reading the sausage!" my goodness upon realising that i burst out laughing and teared , i wondered what came over my mind ( maybe the hot disastrous weather eh)
bah bah.
so since i am so bored i decided to take some pictures of my lab =) so this is the work bench where all the stuff is done before putting elsewhere ( fumehood etc)

this is what i managed to do this morning =) mixing some chemicals together and leaving it in the fume hood to stir at room temp for at least 30hours . I still have no idea why must the flask be immersed with oil maybe its to maintain the temperature eh ?

And finally this idiotic black thing that scares me and my partner always. I dunno this is class what fume hood la but inside contains dangerous chemicals so the person dealing with it must use that pair of blackies provided ! so when no one is using , it looks like that in the picture. The reason why we're both scared of it is becos every few mintues it emits some weird sound the that pair of blackies shoots up slightly! and we were victims of it =(

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